Choose neutral detergent to avoid corrosive buttons

In the washing of clothes, chemical detergents with corrosive properties such as strong acid and alkali cannot be involved. Neutral detergent should be used to avoid corrosion of buttons, metal buttons (copper or alloy), shells and other buttons. Causes buttons to fade, peel off, and deformation. For garments that need to be washed and buttoned beforehand, although the button has been reinforced with protection procedures such as protection against acids, due to chemical interaction problems, the corrosive discoloration of the buttons cannot be completely avoided. Therefore, unless otherwise specified, it is not recommended to wash beforehand. Hit the button.

Button notes

(1) The mold must be matched with the button when the button is mounted on the button. When the mold is adjusted, the center position of the upper and lower molds must be vertically aligned. Otherwise, the buttons will cause hesitation and hard settling. Too tight will break the button, button surface scratch, if the injection product will paint the button paint off the paint, hit the cloth and so on; if the mold is too loose, the button will loosen after playing, Even if it is not played firmly, there will be a knockout situation.

(2) There will be differences in the combination of thickness, softness, hardness, elasticity and buttoning of clothing fabrics. If the number of buttoning positions is too large (such as playing a layer of cloth and playing six layers of cloth), it is recommended that the mold Separate adjustments, separate buttons, to ensure normal after the fight.

(3) Checking the button machine before playing the button, whether the mold is worn out, whether the mold is matched with the button, and whether the button operator meets the requirements for the job, these are the prerequisites for the normal operation of the button.

For more information, please refer to the purchase information update: China Button Industry Network

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